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A study suggests that global temperatures have been increasing each year consistently. Therefore, it becomes essential to try some natural cooling ideas to help you manage the temperature inside without affecting the environment and growing expenses. Here, we will discuss a few simple hacks that you can consider to have cooler homes this summer. Some of these hacks are basic, but usually, people forget or ignore their importance since everyone wants quick solutions.

House Layout and Size

Childrens needs keep changing as they grow. Therefore, make sure you buy a home with this future perspective. Buy a house of appropriate size when your kids grow and need a separate room. Also, you should check the layout for details like air circulation, sunlight, and washrooms. These aspects might not strike your mind when buying a residential property, but they have a crucial role when you start living. Nowadays, developers provide attractive facilities like a lounge area, storage spaces in the layout, and they transform your living experience in a great way.

Use the right lights inside your house

Lights indirectly impact the temperature inside the house, especially the incandescent bulbs. These emit heat and tend to raise the temperature if used for long. So, firstly, it is great to switch off lights that are not required. Yes, a lighted house looks beautiful, but you should use it wisely. Secondly, replace the incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs. These lights are cooler and, thus, are the best alternative.

Use table fans wherever possible

The table fans may sound old, but the fact is that they can work wonders in the scorching heat. You can install a fan and place an ice bowl in front of it. This trick leads to cool air in the entire room. The ice cubes stay for long and are easy to replace. Also, you can decide the direction of the table fan and hence, would feel less heat.

Potted plants

If you live in a high-end residential complex, you might have limited space in the form of balconies for plants and a garden. However, you can still use potted plants inside the house, near windows and balconies. Plants can add visual delight to any space and do not require very high maintenance. In addition, these refresh the air and absorb heat, which helps lower the temperature inside your home. Some plants also act as insect repellents, which is an excellent benefit since mosquitos, flies, and insects tend to increase during the summer season. Therefore, it is time to get some plants and enjoy the benefits.

Cotton is for summers

People love cotton clothing in summers since they feel comfortable and airy. But usually tend to ignore this fact when they decorate their house. Using faux leather, satin, silk upholstery is uncomfortable as these do not have the absorbing and breathing capacity as cotton. This summer, try using cotton sofa covers, bed sheets, curtains etc., and you will see the difference yourself.

Cross ventilation

Cross ventilation is a crucial aspect when buying a residential property. People usually ignore this, but it does affect how comfortable you feel inside the house in the long run. An airy, well-ventilated place allows air circulation in each room, ultimately affecting the inside temperature. The early morning and evening breeze in summers is a great relief, and you may end up using fewer electrical cooling appliances.

Bring home a dehumidifier

Humidity is a big challenge in summers as it leads to sweating. This leads to an uncomfortable situation since sticky, smelly clothes are a misery. Therefore, you should buy a dehumidifier. This reduces the air humidity and works great with an air conditioner as it is believed to maintain the ideal humidity.

Use curtains during the daytime

People living in apartments in India experience more heat as the entire windows and doors in rooms are usually glass. As a result, the heat and sun rays enter and increase temperature. To avoid this, it is advisable to keep the curtain shut during the daytime, especially during noon. This protects the room against direct sunlight and leads to cooler rooms.

If you own dream home in Rajkot or other parts of India, you should prepare for the summer. Make sure to organize your house well with less clutter so that hot air is not trapped inside, leading to better circulation. Also, along with better organization, you should opt for good eating habits. Stay hydrated at all times and relish all the summer fruits and vegetables. Remember that a few intelligent steps can help you and your family enjoy the summer season without worries.

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